
Continuum #119

This Release

Fix Fixes an issue in the link checker that caused some valid URLs with underscores to be reported as broken.

Fix Fixes Jadu Search that could break if the search queries with a high number of results.

Fix Disables submitting an event for publishing approval until it's saved by a control centre user, if it was suggested by a site user.

Fix Fixes chart reports to be correctly ordered by date.

Fix Fixes an issue with homepage templates where ampersand was not displayed properly when viewed live on a site page.

Fix Fixes an issue where ESRI Map fields would be listed as an option for Google Map marker information.

Fix Fixes an issue where deleting page supplements wouldn't remove all associated data.

Fix Fixes an issue where ESRI Map page supplements wouldn't render on Galaxies Sites.

Fix Fixes an issue where ESRI Map would 404 on the frontend of domain Galaxies Sites.

Fix Fixes an issue where ESRI Map pointer would be absent on the frontend of WISP systems.

Fix Fixes help text of ESRI Map widget and supplement to ensure link to ESRI integration page works as expected with Galaxies sites.

Fix Fixes an old migration that would fail if there were duplicate slug entries.

Fix Fixes an issue where user wouldn't be able to log in via CXM on Photon WISP systems.

Fix Fixes an issue where the CXM organisation account homepage wouldn't be used on Photon.

Fix Fixes and issue where saving CAS settings could break the integration.

Fix Fixes issue which would prevent frontend user login with CAS adapter on Photon.

Download the latest Continuum package

Semantic version: 19.4.10

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