
Continuum #111

Release notes

Fix Fixed homepage banner links becoming malformed when the link used was an internal url.(Photon install only).

Fix Fixed a bug that prevented the Swiftype search adapter from returning the search results.

Fix Fixed the CSV export of all reports containing a date field from throwing a 500 error.

Fix Fixed the Symfony bundle load order which prevented password protection of Photon galaxies sites from functioning. (Photon install only).

Fix Removed broken 2FA video links from the control center.

Fix Fixed an issue where the incorrect document title could be displayed for documents. (Photon install only).

Fix Fixed an issue where shared document might have an incorrect document title.

Fix Fixed an HTML validation issue with Esri maps.

Security Security improvements with CXM single sign on.

Download the latest Continuum package

Semantic version: 19.4.1

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