
Continuum #32

New in this release

Integrations interface
The CMS now has a dedicated page for managing integrations with your software. The first integration to move to the new page is our external analytics management interface.


Release notes

New Added a new interface for managing integrations and moved the existing site analytics management interface from the statistics section to integrations.

New Improved security of user password storage.

Fix Multiline snippets in CKEditor are no longer stripped out after saving the page.

Fix CKEditor now loads when the control center uses a different subdomain to the public website.

Fix Presence of an & (ampersand symbol) in the event location no longer breaks event list pagination.

Fix Images added through the multimedia manager now correctly save their caption for use within the image manager.

Fix Fixed alignment of the admin menu drop down icon on pages not using the Pulsar user interface library.

Fix Fixed alignment of site label in toolbar of pages using Pulsar user interface library.

Fix Fixed a dependency issue causing a fatal error in relation to Queueing.

Fix Maintenance - better compliance with coding standards within Abstracts directory.

Update Breadcrumbs have been readded to control center pages, along with improvments to the "masterswitch" user interface pattern.

Update Added automated tests for admin privileges and related functionality.

Update Added automated tests for translation workflow scenarios.


Default template release notes

Fix Presence of an & (ampersand symbol) in the event location no longer breaks event list pagination.

Fix Directory category name is no longer blank when viewing a directory category page.

For details on applying these changes to your templates please refer to our accompanying technical note.


Breaking changes

The change of password storage is a one way migration, and should the patch need downgrading, users will need to use the reset password option to access their account.


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Semantic version: 13.0.2