
Continuum #98

Release notes

Fix Removed the option to clear Symfony cache from the Control Centre.

Fix Fixed the galaxies license limit validation to be based on the number of live galaxies.

Fix Fixed setting a wrong caption in image library when selecting an image without caption.

Fix Added a Google Analytics block to the Control Centre pages for usage tracking and analysis.

Fix Removed redundant requests to CXM API upon navigating through the CMS Control Centre when logged in as a CXM user.

Fix Fixed a problem with drag and drop files into downloads that prevented files from showing in the list immediately.

Fix Blanked out a migration that would fail for old galaxies with an existing JaduDirectoryImport table and created a new migration to ensure that the migration is run on all environments.

Fix Deprecated the usage of bundles.xml file in galaxies themes loading and registration [Photon installs only].

Fix Fixed galaxies sites URLs when the default URL is set to the domain name [Photon installs only].

Download the latest Continuum package

Semantic version: 18.6.4

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