
Continuum #102

Release notes

Fix Removed the usage of KEYS command in Redis caching.

Fix Fixed the sort by date column in reports.

Fix Fixed saving of homepage friendly URLs to allow underscores.

Fix Fixed redirection in frontend after login with a CXM user.

Fix Fixed directory CSV file import when the file contained special characters.

Fix Fixed issue where temporary files related to 'Meeting Minutes' uploads wouldn't be cleaned up.

Fix Fixed the blogs image manager in post details page.

Fix Fixed saving HubIS configuration details when the CMS is unable to connect to HubIS.

Fix Fixed a problem in adding friendly URLs to a homepage during the creation of the page.

Fix Fixed issue where a cached database connection configuration could result in a database connection referencing an incorrect site.

Fix Fixed issue in which incorrectly set HSTS header could result in non-secure Galaxies being forced to to HTTPS, causing redirect loops in some cases.

Fix Fixed issue where 'getDistanceBetweenPoints' would return NaN when comparing distance between two extremely close points.

Fix Fix the duplicate themes alias apache config record created while registering the themes via scheduled task [Photon installs only].

Fix Fixed shared admin password in galaxies Control Centre that has deviated from the main site password, to be in sync.

Fix For shared admins, changing password in the main site Control Centre reflects in the galaxies, and changing the password of shared admins from the galaxies has been disabled.

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Semantic version: 19.0.1

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