
Continuum #93

Added support for Cludo search adapter & analytics, comment field to all workflow tasks and date picker in reports page.

Release notes

Workflow Comments 

New Content authors, approvers and webmasters can now add and view comments throughout the workflow approval process (submission, approval and rejection).


Content author makes changes and leaves a comment for approval. 


The content approver e.g. ‘webmaster’ receives the comment and approves if happy with the content changes. 


Search Option with Cludo Integration

New Added Cludo integration, can be set up from the Integrations Hub page. When configured and enabled, site visitors will get their search results from Cludo in the CMS search template.

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New Cludo search analytics reports are added to the reports module, based on the enabled Cludo search adapter.

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Report page updates 

New Added ability to include date picker in the report page.


Fix Fixed generating reports that failed on large data retrievals.

Fix Removed Category from the Control Centre universe search refine modal.

Fix Excluded Category from translatable content types in Translations module under Settings.

Fix Updated the migration 20180918122403 to check for existence of every directory-related table before creation.

Fix Fixed a database migration that would fail while updating slugs for some cases.

FixFixed publishing galaxies sites to set the corresponding READABLE_URLS_WORD_SEPARATOR value in the htaccess file of that galaxies site.

Fix Restricted the widget style CSS file creation on homepage load to only the existing Stylesheets.

Update Updated Pulsar version to 8.2.2.


Please note: that you may need to force refresh your browser while in the Control Centre following this upgrade. Depending on your operating system all you need to do is the following key combination:

  • Windows: ctrl + F5
  • Mac/Apple: Apple + R or command + R
  • Linux: F5


Download the latest Continuum package

Semantic version: 18.4.1

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