
Continuum #33

Control Center notifications, Jadu CXM integration and third party authentication for Control Center admins.

New in this release


Control Center notifications
With the releases of new features, bug fixes and updates to Jadu Continuum now a normal and frequent event, we've revised how we inform you about these sometimes important software releases.  In this release you'll notice the addition of a bell icon, which notifies you of new release notes and information.

Jadu CXM integration
Public users of your website can now use their Jadu CXM credentials to authenticate themselves and access their user accounts.

Third party admin authentication service
In common with authentication of public users of your website, you can now configure the CMS to use a third party service to authenticate administrators.

Release notes

New Added the ability to notify administrators of latest releases via the Control Centre.

New Jadu CXM integration for website users.

New Can now specify an external authentication service for CMS administrators.

New Database error logging can now be enabled in the logs.xml config file.

Fix Tabs in API management interfaces are now correctly styled.

Fix Fixed undefined variable error on galaxy news category that would cause the category name not to be displayed.

Fix Admins restricted to specific IP addresses are now save correctly.

Fix Fixed an issue where Scheduled Admin Stats email does not include the attachment.

Fix Ampersands are now allowed in the department field of an administrator's details.

Fix Homepage widgets with long names are now wrapped onto multiple lines in the homepage designer.

Fix Search results are now correctly limited by an administrator's category restrictions.

Fix JaduQueue now skips failed queue items in order to complete valid queue items.

Fix Fixed a dependency issue which prevented the CMS package from being built.

Fix Fixed an issue where submissions to a directory would result in an error.

Fix WOFF and TFF font files no longer cause an invalid CSRF token to be generated when signing in.

Fix Footer layout is no longer broken on pages that use Pulsar user interface templates.

Fix Permissions for var/config/*.xml are now set after applying a patch.

Fix Errors are now highlighted in the form when changing CMS or Blog admin password.

Fix Admins without access to a directory are now shown the appropriate permission error page.

Fix Empty egov contact object is returned if the query errors in `getServiceContact`.

Fix Fixed PHP warnings and notices in homepages functionality.

Fix Fixed inaccurate warning when creating a friendly URL in homepage details.

Fix Administrators that have been removed from a workflow group will no longer receive escalation alerts.

Fix Refactored getFriendlyURLs function to use the Friendly URL datamapper class.

Update Added automated tests for the public account functionality of default template set.

Update Added automated tests for galaxies Control Center.

Update A "flash_messages" block has been added to the base CMS Twig template.

Update Removed unused webdav entry from web.config on IIS systems.


Default template release notes

Update  Hard coded admin variables are now pulled from the User service.


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Semantic version: 13.1.0