
Continuum #72

17.2.0 - Configurable URL structures, various bugfixes and minor security improvements.

Release notes


New URL structures for documents, homepages and category homepages are now configurable in the Control Center interface..

Fix Newly created galaxies will now allow larger code snippets in integrations analytics page.

Fix User session is now checked before displaying records in directory submissions myaccount widget.

Fix Links to invisible and offline downloads are now not added to google sitemap generator.

Fix Maintenance page in Jadu Control Center no longer includes links to old pages.

Fix Deleting the directory category from a record now does not remove the navigation categories assigned to the record.

Fix Added adminID to cache key to prevent conflict between admins with different access privileges.

Fix Fixed php warnings thrown on submitting invalid values for telephone fields in register page.

Fix Fixed pagination issues for search results in A-Z services list page.

Security Minor security improvements.

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Semantic version: 17.2.0