
Continuum #29

Updated manuals, UI improvements and bug fixes.

We've updated our user manual to feature our new and improved user interface. If you need a copy, drop us a message and we'll be happy to send one over.

Release notes

Fix When tasks are run at 23.59, the next run time is now correctly set to 00.09 rather than 00.00 the next day.

Fix Navigation dropdown menus now sit above flash message and workflow approve/decline buttons when present in the CMS user interface.

Fix Improvements to email worker behaviour on galaxies sites.

Fix Minor fixes in CMS user interface.

Fix Lightboxes now use the correct font and are consistent with other CMS user interface elements.

Fix The Control Center search result page again includes the option to filter by content type.

Fix Widgets no longer generate a javascript error after a content widget is used.

Fix Content lock cache is now cleared appropriately in all cases.

Fix Database migrations no longer break when the standalone version of MyJadu API has been installed.

Update Control Center table headings have now been left aligned rather than centred, and links that are used with Control Center headings are now black instead of blue.

Update Updated the navigation icon used for the Lexmark Enterprise Software integration module.

Update Modules without a specifically defined icon now use a 'right chevron' icon instead of the empty box in the Control Center navigation bar.

Update CMS dependencies are now pulled from a separate repositiory for greater cross-product compatibility.

Update Added automated tests to configure a 3 step advanced workflow.

Update Added automated tests for website templates

Security Various security improvements.


Request the latest Continuum package

Semantic version number: 12.3.1