
Continuum #81

17.9.0 - Continuum CMS author authentication now uses an adapter based architecture.

Release notes

New Continuum CMS author authentication now uses an adapter based architecture. This will allow the use of 3rd party authentication providers with the Jadu Control Center, in addition to the out of the box native, LDAP and Continuum CXM adapters.

Fix 'Galaxy homepage' user interface has been added for existing Galaxies sites where it has been missing. New Galaxies sites use the top ranking independent homepage as the index page.

Fix A Friendly URL can now be successfully saved when a document slug of the same name exists.

Fix Admin reports now include the correct location to the Galaxies Designer user interface.

Fix Querying Local Land and Property Gazetteer entries by postcode will now return both town and post town in the result, where town and post town are different values.

Fix The suggest password button on blog details page no longer triggers a JavaScript error.

Fix Fixed inconsistencies with document title encoding.

Fix Fixed an issue with publishing categories on XFP standalone installations.

Fix Widgets are now ordered alphabetically in the left panel of homepage designer.


  • "Document preview" template must be updated to use the new adapter config to prevent errors when previewing a document.

Download the latest Continuum package

Semantic version: 17.9.0

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