Before selecting the relevant component for your answer, you must type the Question in the space provided. Providing the same question text does not already appear within the form, you should not need to change the corresponding (automatically generated) Name, which must remain unique throughout the form. You can however change this to be more suitable for your own internal needs once suggestion has been pre-filled for you (after the choice of Component type has been made).
The value of the question name should be unique to each question created. You will not usually need to amend this value from the default value suggested as it will be based on your entry for the Question text, but can do so if you so wish. The value must not contain any white space or other invalid characters.
Requires answering
The end user will not be able to progress further with their form submission without giving a valid response if you choose to make the question mandatory.
Additional Fields When Adding A Question
Some of the below options may require configuration during the creation of your new question. Which ones display depends upon the Component that you selected at the first stage.
Below are the standard validation routines that come out of the box with your XFP implementation, though it is also possible to add your own. Validation routines are covered in further detail in Chapter Thirteen of this manual. Some of the below routines specifically relate to British Standards. Please refer to Appendix Four for supplemental information on the specifics of these standards.
- Allow Anything: No validation will occur, the end user will be able to enter whatever they like and it will be submitted successfully.
- Alphabetic: Only alphabetic letters a-z and A-Z will be accepted.
- Alphanumeric: Only alphabetic letters a-z and A-Z and numbers 0-9 will be accepted.
- Date (DD/MM/YYYY): Only numerical values entered in this UK date format will be accepted. When this option is selected, and the end user has Javascript enabled within their browser, a calendar icon will be displayed, which can be clicked to allow the end user to choose a date from a calendar picker interface.
Text input with Date validation applied displays calender interface
- Date (MM/DD/YYYY): Only numerical values entered in this US date format will be accepted. When this option is selected, and the end user has Javascript enabled within their browser, a calendar icon will be displayed (as above), which can be clicked to allow the end user to choose a date from a calendar picker interface.
- Email Address: Only letters, numbers, a selection of safe symbols (e.g. dots (.), dashes (-), underscores (_) and the @ symbol) will be accepted. No spaces, no slashes (/,), etc.
- Float (Floating point number): Any numerical value will be accepted with a decimal point allowed.
- Integer (Whole number): Any whole numerical value will be accepted, no decimal point allowed.
- Money: Any numerical value with one decimal point optionally allowed, commas are allowed as a thousand's separator, as well as an optional currency symbol before the numbers (£, $, € supported).
- National Insurance Number: Must use a valid format for a UK National Insurance Number. An optional single space entered by the customer to reflect formatting on the actual card, but within the correct format, will be allowed.
- Non empty: Must not be left blank, but anything else is allowed.
- PAON/SAON (Primary/Secondary Addressable Object Name): A textual string of an address, where the formatting of the field is important in order to conform to BS7666.
The SAON field is only used for flats or units which are subdivisions of larger buildings, in which case the PAON is the name of the parent block common to all units. The secondary and primary addressable object names are both in the format nnnnsnnnnsaaaaaaaaaaaaa... where:
Characters 1-4 are the start number, right justified, spaces padding
Character 5 is start suffix
Characters 6-9 are the end number, right justified (used for addresses with a range of number e.g. 6-8 Acacia Avenue)
Character 10 is the end suffix
Characters 11-100 are for a text string (for named properties)
- Passport Number: UK Format, must be 9 numeric characters in length to comply with UK passport validation. Non-UK passports which may vary in format will not be accepted.
- Postcode: UK Format, prefix must consist of one letter + one number, one letter + two numbers, two letters + one number, or two letters + two numbers. Suffix must consist of one number + two letters. Space between prefix and suffix is optional. Follows the rules from the Data Standards Catalogue.
- Telephone: UK Format, must begin with zero (0), and be 11 digits in length. Numerical characters only.
- UPRN (Unique Property Reference Number): A numeric identifier for a property within the UK.
- URL: Must begin "http://" or "https://", and contain the domain (e.g .com,, .net) and HTML-safe characters only.
- USRN (Unique Street Reference Number): A numeric identifier for a street within the UK.
Maximum Characters
You can limit the length of an end user's response by entering a numeric value here. This limits the input at the point of displaying the field to the end user.
Note: some browser extensions exist (such as the Firefox Web Developer Toolbar) that allow users to remove maxlength limits placed upon text input fields.
Default Value
This is what will be displayed to the visitor within the relevant field before they enter any information, an example could be "John Smith" or "Name" in a component requesting the end user’s full name.
Help Comment
This is textual assistance that is displayed inline with the form question text and associated input component in order to provide contextual help specific to this question, for example, to describe what information the end user should enter, possibly explaining acronyms in more detail, etc.
This functionality allows you to set whether or not the question is available to view publicly. If you choose Private, end users will not be able to see the question. This can then be used for administrative purposes (e.g. “For office use only” type questions used on printed forms). Questions set to Private do display administrators who fill in forms from within the XFP interface for completing forms on behalf of an end user.
Managing questions within a page
A list of all current questions available within a page is listed at the bottom of the question setup page.
List of all current questions within a form page
Questions can be re-ordered within a page by using the orange Up or Down arrows next to each question. They can also be deleted by clicking the Delete link to the far right of each question. Editing an existing question is achieved by clicking the question text from this list.