Disabling a form
Making a form not live means that any end users who try to access this form from any bookmarked links, etc. will be presented with a message stating that this form is not currently available. The form itself can still be accessed from within the Jadu Control Center in the normal way (from the Offline Forms tab within available from the XForms Pro > Forms menu option), and all end user data remains intact.
Note: The exact message text may have been customized during your implementation.
Another alternative is for the the form to remain Live, but be made Invisible. This removes any links that are dynamically generated by the Jadu platform to point to this form, but the form remains accessible for anyone who knows its direct URL. Any links within external systems or bookmarks, etc. will not be affected by changing the Invisible setting, and so anyone following these links will still be able to access the form even though it is not being promoted through the dynamic navigation within your Jadu powered website.