Integrating your form with AssureSign

In order to use the AssureSign integration, you first need to ensure you have created the AssureSign template within the AssureSign administration panal and enabled the action within the form you'd wish to use the integration on.

Within the form settings ensure 'Require calculation validation before submission?' and 'Resume at start?' are both set to No. If these settings are set to Yes they will cause issues with the integration and you will not be able to electronically sign a document.

Either create, or select, your form, and follow these steps:

  1. Click on the "Actions" tab
  2. Ensure the "PDF Generation" box is selected
  3. Ensure the "Electronic Signatures using AssureSign" box is selected
  4. Click "Save Actions"

These steps are highlighted below:

Action Setup Steps

Once the above steps are completed, you'll need to configure PDF Generation. This is an important step, without enabling the PDF Generation the Electronic Signatures using AssureSign action will not have a document to upload to AssureSign for your users to sign.

After completing the PDF Generation configuration, click on the "Electronic Signatures using AssureSign" tab to open the configuration interface for integrating with AssureSign:

Action Setup Result

Next, you'll need to select the 2nd level tab "Templates", and click the "Create AssureSign Template" button to start the document mapping process:

No Defined Templates

This will bring you into a three step process, with the first being adding a name to the template:

Template Name Definition

The second step is to select the AssureSign document template to map to the current selected form:

Template Form Mapping

Then the third and final step is creating the mappings from the fields within the form to the required fields within the AssureSign document:

Template Field Mappings

Once that's complete, and you've pressed "Save", you'll now see the template defined within the "Templates" tab:

Defined Template

You should now select the "Routes" sub-tab, and assign the above created template to a route of the form:

Assigning Template to Route

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