
To view all forms that end users have submitted for processing, select the Received Forms option from the XForms Pro menu.

Viewing all received forms (any form)

Initially, only forms with a Pending status will be displayed in date completed (descending) order. You can refine what is displayed by clicking on the Find a user form link to open the filtering options.

Received forms filter shown

From the dropdown menu you can choose to filter completed forms by various stages of the form's workflow status, including:

  • All: Forms at any stage of submission.
  • Incomplete: Partially completed forms that have not been submitted.
  • Pending: New forms waiting to be dealt with.
  • In Progress: Forms in the process of being dealt with.
  • Completed - Approved: Forms that have been completed and approved. These are simply stored for reference purposes and require no further attention.
  • Completed - Declined: Forms that have been completed and declined. These are simply stored for reference purposes and require no further attention.
  • Terminated: Forms which have been terminated.

To further refine the received forms list, you can specify a Date range or search by a Keyword. By providing only the From Date the search will return forms completed between the date provided and the current date. Specifying the same From Date and To Date will return forms completed throughout that day. Keyword searches can be used to match forms on the Form Title, Reference Number, Sequence ID and the IP Address of the completing user.

All inputs are taken into account when filtering, therefore it is possible to search for forms with a keyword between two dates by combining the Keyword and Date Range filters.

The list of applicable received forms provides the following information for each form:

  • Reference number: the unique reference number for the submitted form.
  • Date/Time Completed: the date and time that the form was completed.
  • User: the name of the user will appear here if they are registered on the website and were signed in when completing the form, otherwise it will display “Unregistered User”.
  • Form: the name of the form that was submitted.

It is then possible (assuming the relevant access permissions allow) to view individual form submission details by clicking on the reference number, which will take you to the particular data for the individual form submission.

It is also possible to view all submitted forms for a specific form from the Received tab of that form. As this list view provides all submissions for the same form type, the Form name column is replaced by the current Status of the form submission. You can filter and search for user forms in the same way as was described in the Received Forms page described above.

Viewing received form submissions for a specific form

You can change the order in which the list is sorted by clicking on the Reference No, Date/Time Completed column headings. Click once to sort in ascending order, twice to sort in descending order for both specific form and all forms received views.

You can also access all of a particular form’s submissions from the full Forms list view. The Submissions to date column displays the total number of form submissions that this form has received, depending upon any data retention policies that you may have configured against this form, and links the administrator straight into this form's Received tab.

Form list view - Submissions column includes a link to the forms Received tab

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