Publishing a form

Once your form is structured and set up as you would like, and you have taken the relevant measures to ensure that you are happy with its operation (previewed the form, checked validation routines, etc.), you will then need to make your form Live before users can complete it. This can be done from the Publish tab.

Making a form live

Click the "Live" toggle to make the form live.

Making a form visible tells the platform to provide automated navigation within the front end design to this form through the form list, form search, form category listings and other dynamically generated navigation.

If a form remains invisible, XFP and the underlying platform will not link to the form and it will be up to the web administrators to promote the existence of this form through other systems, direct promotional links, signposts, etc.

A live but invisible form can be accessed if the URL is known to the end user. A non-live form cannot be accessed by any end user.

Internal only form

An internal only form will only be accessible to admins within the Control Centre and not end users on the website.

Embedded form

When a form is made embeddable a snippet is made available to use on third-party websites. The form can be themed to match the styling of the page it's embedded on and the height and width can be adjusted.

The width and height can either be fixed or auto. When the width is set to auto no width is applied to the iframe and can be set by the site embedding the form. When the height is set to auto the height be set so the entire form is visible within the frame.

Creating a new theme

To create a new form theme click on the "Theme" dropdown and select "Create new theme". There are three ways to create a theme:

Simple: Select the background colour, button colours, font colour and font family.

File: Upload a CSS file.

External: Provide a URL to a CSS file.

Editing a theme

Select the theme and click the "Edit theme" link below the drop down. When saving the theme can either be updated or a new theme can be created.

Deleting a theme

When editing a theme and a "Delete" button will be available at the bottom of the theme editor.

Previewing an embedded form

When a form is embeddable the selected theme can be previewed on the right hand side of the page. This is not a functional form so fields cannot be filled or buttons pressed. The form pages can be switched using the navigation at the top right of the page.

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