Adding branching rules to a form’s structure
Branches can be added to a form so that form fillers can be routed to only the relevant form pages based upon particular responses to questions during their form journey. All pages relating to the rule must be created before you can add it (i.e. it is not possible to create a branching rule to a page that does not yet exist). You should therefore define the broad structure of your form before beginning to add Branching rules.
Note: Branching rules may only be applied to questions of type; Dropdown Menu, Radio Button components and Integrated Components that have been developed to include a static option (always available). It is not possible to branch from a dynamic value of an Integrated Component.
To add a new branching rule, click the Branching rule icon on the question page from which you want to branch end users. This will open the Branching Rules interface as shown below.
Adding a new rule in Direct rule mode
The default mode when setting up a new Branching rule is a Direct Rule. This does not branch, but simply allows you to bypass existing form pages that exist within the form’s structure by jumping the user from the current page to the page chosen from within the dropdown menu of other page choices called I want to go directly to. In the example above, the end user will move from the Disability Living Allowance - Yes / No? page directly to the Disability Living Allowance End Date page. This can be useful to remove any Branching Rules that you may have previously added and later decide to remove or to archive an old page of questions without actually removing it from the form (essentially making a page unvisited by any route).
Click Save Direct Rule to add your new Direct rule to your form.
Changing the Rule Type to Branching will change the interface to allow you to configure more complex Branching logic based upon user choices.
Managing a form's branching rules
- From the IF dropdown, select the question that the branch is based upon. You will see a list of all previous Radio button or Dropdown questions from any pages prior to or including the current page displayed here.
- From the IS dropdown, select the particular option from the question selected in point 1 that determines the branch that the end user will take if they pick this value.
- From the Go to dropdown, select the page that you want the form filler to be branched to, based upon the response being selected in point 2.
- Clicking Add Another Branch allows you to build up multiple different routes based upon a different option from the other options available in the question as were picked from in point 2. This is optional and depends upon your requirements as to whether it will be necessary in each case. Once clicked, an additional Otherwise, if it is decision will appear (similar to point 2), and another corresponding Go to decision (as was the case in point 3).
- From the Otherwise, go to, select the alternative page that you want the form filler to be branched to based upon them not meeting any of the other options that you set out above (a catch all other cases option).
Any number of rules can be added to a form branch by clicking the Add Another Branch button. The system will identify when a redundant rule is added, whereby it would take the user to the same page as the Otherwise, go to option, and will prompt you to remove it accordingly. To remove an Otherwise condition within a rule, simply click the corresponding Remove button for the option to be removed.
A redundant Otherwise rule attempts to be added to the Branching Rule logic
Once branching rules have been saved, and the form structure is being viewed as a diagram, the branching rules are visible within the structure of the form, offering a representation of all the potential user journeys through a form.