Before an Event Booking component can be added to a form page a configuration must be created. The configuration defines the duration of each slot, between what times slots can be booked, the maximum number of slots per day, etc. Each configuration can be used by multiple Event Booking components.
To create and edit Event Booking Configurations click on "XForms Pro" then "Event Booking" in the main navigation.
All day event
Whether the events created in the calendar are all day events or time slots.
Event duration
The duration setting specifies the number of minutes in length each slot will be (not relevant for all day events).
Start and end time
The start and end time specify when the first and last available slots will be. For example, 9AM - 5PM. If slots should not be available at certain periods within the defined date range (e.g. 12PM - 2PM) then events should be manually created within the calendar. XFP will then not make slots available as they would conflict with existing events (not relevant for all day events).
Maximum events per day
The maximum number of slots that will be available each day. Leave blank to use the maximum number of slots available between the start and end time.
Maximum simultaneous events
The maximum number of events to be booked for each day/slot. This will allow multiple form submissions to book to the same day/slot.
First bookable day offset
This setting specifies on what day the first available slot will be. For example, 0 will make today the first bookable day;
Last bookable day offset
This setting specifies on what day the last available slot will be. For example, when set to 7 the last available slot will be in a week's time.
Event reservation expiry
The reservation expiry setting specifies the number of minutes to reserve an event for before it is cancelled and removed from the calendar. This setting should be used to avoid all slots being booked by incomplete forms.
Bookable days
This setting specifies which days slots will be available on. At least one day must be selected.
Subject, location and description template
When an event is created in the calendar it can have a subject, location and description. These templates will be used to populate those values. Form variables can be used here.