Continuum XFP #78
New features to support GDPR compliance and bug fixes.
This release:
new Adds the option to remove personal data when viewing a received form in the Control Centre.
new Considers category restrictions for Administrators viewing the Received Forms list.
new Adds the ability to use in-page branching with Postcodes in Integrated Components
new Adds the ability to branch a form on whether an answer starts with, ends with, or does not start with a certain value.
new Adds the ability to fire a rule on whether an answer starts with, ends with, or does not start with a certain value.
new Adds the ability to do in-page branching on whether an answer starts with, ends with, or does not start with a certain value.
new Adds the ability to filter received forms on either a user form reference, or a reference returned from a third party system when the form was submitted.
new Adds the ability to configure the label of the 'Add Row' button in Repeatable Questions.
update Enhances usability when adding a new answer to a Dropdown, Checkbox or Radio Button question, by placing the cursor in the text field for the new answer automatically.
fix Solves an issue with the filter bar on the Received Forms list page, where it was not possible to remove and re-add some filter types.
fix Ensures that the page anchors to the question when clicking buttons in Repeatable Questions or Integrated Components
fix Changes the naming convention of exported form packages, to match the form title.
fix Solves an issue where parameter injection would not work for forms that have an instructions page.
fix Solves an issue where previous rules prevent chained actions behaving correctly.
fix Fixes an issue where, after entering an incorrect SinglePoint URL into the Integrations page, it was not possible to edit it again.
fix Solves an issue where some Payment Providers would show incorrect errors in Received Form logs.
fix Solves an issue where forms did not display ReCAPTCHA when necessary.
fix Solves an issue where event bookings submitted by signed in users appeared as 'Guest User' when viewed in the Control Centre.
fix Solves an issue where a form could be made live from the forms list view, despite it having no pages.
fix Security fixes.
For legacy forms, this release:
fix Solves an issue where leading zeros were removed from calculation results.
fix Fixes an issue where the CXM case creation, edit or transition would be recorded as failed, even if it was successfully created, because the attach file action failed.
fix Solves an issue where submitting a form could cause an error to occur in the PHP log.
Front-end Changes
For all customers, this release requires a change to the front-end scripts documented in this change document.
This release contains both Continuum XFP #78 (4.2.0) and Continuum CMS #80 (17.8.0) in a single package. There is no need to apply the Continuum CMS #80 package separately.
If you are unsure of compatibility please speak to Jadu Support who can advise.
Semantic version number: 4.2.0