
Continuum XFP #51

Improvements to CXM logging and bug fixes

This release:

New Adds ‘caseReference’ as an allowed field name for parameter injection in internal forms. When linking to an internal form if you include caseReference in the URL to the form the form will prepopulate the caseReference within the form. 

Update Submissions now log individual actions, for example, the CXM action now logs case and person creations amongst others. If actions were to fail, a link is provided to a detailed view of what failed. This feature is able to be consumed by developers to provide detailed logging in their own custom implementations.

Update When a customer cancels a single item order in PayBridge, they are now presented with a message confirming the cancellation. If the single item in the order was a form, the customer is now automatically returned to the start of the form (front-end change required).

Update Removes the status of a submission from the user’s My Account when viewing recent forms. This will help to avoid confusion with linked CXM cases that have a different status to the form. 

Fix Changes the permissions of some configuration files on LAMP systems, which caused a 404 error to be shown when XFP was used after patching.

Front-end Changes

For PayBridge customers, this release requires a change to the front-end scripts of both XFP, documented in this change document, and PayBridge, documented in this change document.


This release contains both Continuum XFP #51 (3.26.0) and Continuum CMS #57 (16.7.1) in a single package. There is no need to apply the Continuum CMS #57 package separately.

If you are unsure of compatibility please speak to Jadu Support who can advise.

Semantic version number: 3.26.0


Download this Continuum package from Jadu Supportal now