Creating a new person record

You can use the PersonManager to create a new Person record.


/** @var \Jadu\Quantum\ServiceApiClient\Manager\PersonManager $personManager */
$personManager = $container->get('quantum_service_api_client.manager.person');
$createPersonForm = $personManager->getCreateForm();

$createdPerson = $personManager->save($createPersonForm, [
    'title' => 'Mr',
    'forename' => 'John',
    'middle_names' => 'Walter',
    'surname' => 'Smith',
    'email' => '',
    'telephone_primary' => '07912345678',
    'telephone_secondary' => '07654321098',
    'address_reference' => '4DR3355-R3F3R3NC3',

This will give you a Person object, containing information such as:

  • name
  • email
  • address
  • telephone

Note: Duplicate prevention checks

If there is an existing person record that matches the given forename, surname and address, no new record will be created. CXM will just return the existing matching person record.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""