Requesting a token

Example URL to redirect user to:

Example request for an access token with identity token:

curl -X POST \
    -F client_id=zbueiup9h80s487asgc4s4gss4kww4cwsgk0owk4gc8s4kkg4 \
    -F client_secret=4008txjcmcg0scg04oo8wsko054dg2f8ss4gsog0wgg8wwgw4w \
    -F grant_type=authorization_code \
    -F redirect_uri=https://myapp/oauth-handler \

Example response:


You can request additional information about the user by specifying one or more additional scopes:

scope value
address The formatted address of the Person record linked to the user (if they have one)
email The user's email address
email_verified Whether or not the user has verified their email address
family_name The user's last name
given_name The user's first name
name The user's full name
picture URL to the avatar set by the user

Before using it, you should verify the token.

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