Creating Persons

A person is created for people who cannot provide an email address to register with. Only 3 fields are mandatory for creating a person record:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Address

Create your person record from either the cases dashboard page or opt to create a person record while registration of user takes place by setting it up on the registration page.

New person

A user can also be manually linked to a person if it is not done during the registration process. This can be done from the person's dashboard which can be accessed by searching for the person.

Person linking

After the person is found, the user account can be searched for or invited by entering the email address.

User account search

Person details are unique and if any of the following combination of values match another person, then a duplicate person will not be created.

  • First Name, Last Name and UPRN
  • Last Name, UPRN and Email

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