'MyAccount' Test Scenarios (where implemented)

Test Scenario Expected (Pass) Behaviour If Fail Check
As an online customer I submit an anonymous form that should create a case in CXM. Case created not linked to a person record If no case created CXM action in XFP. Check error log for form submission. Likely cause incorrect mapping of XFP fields to CXM fields. Also check that CXM case type does not have person attribute as mandatory in ‘create new’ data fields.
As an online customer who is signed into MyAccount submit a form that should create a case in CXM. Case type set to visible to associated person. Case created and visible in both CXM and MyAccount If no case created then check CXM action in XFP Check error log for form submission. Likely cause incorrect mapping of XFP fields to CXM fields. If case created in CXM but not visible to MyAccount check check that flag is set ON for ‘execute as signed in user’ in XFP form action.
As an online customer who is signed into MyAccount submit a form that should create a case in CXM but is not a request that should be visible to the online user. Case created in CXM and linked to a person record.Case not visible for that person in their MyAccount If no case created then check CXM action in XFP Check error log for form submission. Likely cause incorrect mapping of XFP fields to CXM fields. If case created and is visible in MyAccount then on general tab in case type workflow check that the case type is set to not-visible to associated person (i.e toggle is off).
As an advisor/staff member I submit an anonymous form that should create a case in CXM. Case created not linked to a person record If no case created CXM action in XFP. Check error log for form submission. Likely cause incorrect mapping of XFP fields to CXM fields. Also check that CXM case type does not have person attribute as mandatory in ‘create new’ data fields.
As an advisor/staff member submit a form that should create a case in CXM for a person who has an associated MyAccount. Case type set to visible to associated person. Case created and visible in both CXM and for the person if they log into MyAccount. During completion of the Internal Form the advisor/staff member should see an orange banner completing on behalf of… If this is not visible the person reference needs to be added to the redirect link in CXM form tab. If no case created then check CXM action in XFP Check error log for form submission. Likely cause incorrect mapping of XFP fields to CXM fields. If case created in CXM but not visible to MyAccount check check that flag is set ON for ‘execute as signed in user’ in XFP form action.
As an advisor/staff member submit a form for a person who has an associated MyAccount that should create a case in CXM but is not a request that should be visible to the online user in their MyAccount. Case created in CXM and linked to a person record AND Case not visible for that person in their MyAccount During completion of the Internal Form the advisor/staff member should see an orange banner completing on behalf of… If this is not visible the person reference needs to be added to the redirect link in CXM form tab. If no case created then check CXM action in XFP Check error log for form submission. Likely cause incorrect mapping of XFP fields to CXM fields. If case created and is visible in MyAccount then on general tab in case type workflow check that the case type is set to not-visible to associated person (i.e toggle is off).

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