Training / Orientation

It is important that you understand the full capability of XFP / Paybridge as well as CXM (together these products are also sometimes referred to as MyAccount / self-service portal) so we aim to develop your knowledge and expertise in a logical and structured manner. Jadu provide a series of certified courses in the Platform which provide solid foundations for administrators of Jadu CXM. Once certified Jadu also provide an annual ‘refresher’ to allow users to maintain both certification and also knowledge of how the platform has/is evolving.

Your expertise and knowledge of the Continuum toolset will be achieved through:

CXM Orientation Day - (optional) the theory behind the Jadu Continuum platform. What is a case type? How are permissions controlled for what a user can see and do? What preparatory work can be done prior to CXM administrator training.

XFP Foundation administrator training - every attendee will build a service form on this course

CXM Foundation Administrator training - how to build case types; groups etc, basically everything in this document - every attendee will build a case type

XFP & CXM Practitioner training - how to use CXM data in XFP field calculations; how to set up CXM Form Actions; how to configure PayBridge - every attendee will link their service form (from XFP Foundation training) to their case type (from CXM Foundation training) and configure a calendar booking and payment within the online form.

If you are also a new user of the Jadu CMS then CMS Foundation & Practitioner will also be available. If you are adding Jadu CXM to an existing Jadu CMS then a refresher of CMS functionality should also be planned for.

If you are deploying CXM into a customer services team then Jadu also provide CXM Advisor training - this course is focused on your staff end-users of the platform and covers actions such as raising a case; completing a form; searching for people; organisations and cases within CXM; and also creating person and organisation records.

XFP Developer training is available for web developers who will be developing their own integrations with line of business systems. Attendees on this course will be expected to have as a minimum a basic understanding of PHP, MySQL / SQL Server and Javascript.

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