So let’s start at the beginning…..

So What is CXM? Why is it Different?

CXM is Customer Experience Management.

CXM is the progression from the traditional CRM focus on data management to the delivery of consistent customer experiences that will delight customers through the design of processes and outcomes from the user perspective (think outside-in rather than inside-out).

This transposition of focus provides organisations with the capability to deliver information across channels and devices at the exact time and location where it can be leveraged to positively affect customer experiences.

CXM provides a customer centric view / snapshot of all interactions a customer has with an organisation and enables the customer to interact directly with an organisation; with both customer and organisation having the same view of information; both being able to comment, track progress, raise concerns; and view/upload digital assets as required. It can also surface information stored in legacy line of business systems to the customer through integrations.

CXM firmly puts the CUSTOMER FIRST. It is the removal of the concept of a hidden back-office. There is transparency between the customer and organisation - building up the relationship of trust and loyalty which are key to customer relationship retention and longevity.

Jadu CXM

Jadu CXM is a SAAS-based web customer experience management service for customer case management. Jadu CXM lets your customers interact with you in real-time to solve their issues and provide them updates about their case through automated notifications. It is suitable for handling different types of customer interactions such as requests, applications, subscriptions, complaints, disputes and more.

Jadu CXM makes it easy for your staff to serve customers through online and offline channels with a simple, intuitive user interface. Customers, staff members and third parties share the same view of a case where they can collaborate in real-time, and view a full timeline history of the case.

Jadu CXM is a ‘low code’ service designed to enable business users to own and manage service design without the need for any programming. Jadu CXM can seamlessly connect with other Jadu Continuum platform products meaning that a customer can go to your website, complete a web form which is received as a case by a staff member and receive updates through to resolution as one seamless experience. Through using its service API, Jadu CXM can also create and update cases from any non-Jadu product.

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