A new Silktide report analysing over 750,000 web pages has found Jadu to be the “The highest-scoring Content Management System (CMS) for accessibility.”
Testing an average of 115 web pages per site against 200 accessibility criteria based on Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG 2.1), Silktide assigns sites a score out of 100.
Jadu websites score an average 85.30, which is 22.71 more points than the average website and 5.62 points more than the second place CMS provider.
Andy Perkins, Vice President of Engineering, Jadu said:
“Accessibility is front and centre when we’re designing and implementing all Jadu systems, from the citizen experience of interacting with a website through to the experience of authoring content and services within the platform itself.
"However, it is our customers that populate and maintain their content, it is an absolute testament to the care they put in, and their willingness to share their learnings and best practices within the Jadu community, that we’ve come out on top in this research.”
The Silktide data shows that worldwide public sector sites are performing significantly better than privately-operated sites, with an average score of 65.30 compared to 55.50.
The top four most accessible sectors are reported to be:
UK local government
Canadian central government
UK central government
UK universities
The report also details common accessibility issues, saying there is still “room for improvement across the board.”
“The same accessibility issues come up again and again,” it says, highlighting inaccessible links, insufficient colour contrast, and incorrectly labeled forms as the “most common issues by far.
“We also find that PDF accessibility is a real challenge from our conversations with our customers… our advice is to not use PDFs if at all possible. Instead, supply an HTML version of the information.”
Silktide points to legislation as likely playing a huge part in the clear contrast between public and private sector in terms of global accessibility.
“Our data shows that UK councils (now among the most accessible websites in the Index) have improved their accessibility scores dramatically since February 2020”, says the report.