Report a Death to the Coroner Form - Library

Item Description

A death is usually reported to the Coroner by a Doctor or the Registration Service. However, anyone who is concerned about a death can refer it to the Coroner.

This form allows the user to  report a death to the Coroner when:

  • the deceased was not seen by a doctor during their final illness
  • a doctor was unable to certify the death
  • a doctor has not seen the deceased within the 14 days before death
  • the cause of death is unknown
  • death occurs during an operation or before recovery from the effect of any anaesthetic
  • the death is sudden and unexplained or is in suspicious circumstances
  • the death may be due to an industrial injury or disease, an accident, violence, neglect, poisoning, illicit drugs or suicide
  • death occurs in police custody, prison or state detention
  • the death happened in a hospital within 24 hours of admission
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Minimum requirements
Continuum XFP
Integrated Systems
Target Audience
Public and Internal
Lead Customer
Lincolnshire County Council