Jadu Deployer
The low-code patching tool
Deployer enables Jadu customers to independently apply Jadu software upgrades and website patches to their own environments. Best of all, it’s available out-of-the-box.
The easy-to-understand user interface makes technical tasks that would usually require specialist skills, into an easy ‘patching’ process. Non-technical users can apply patches to servers in minutes.
Don’t miss out on any key features, bug fixes and security improvements!

Benefits of Deployer
- Build new packages on command in the background using selected values
- Eliminate guesswork when it comes to accessing Jadu product code and the versions that work together
- Update and create packages using your own code and templates. For example, the Local Government Association of Queensland (LGAQ) use their own templates in Jadu CMS (Content Management System) and use Deployer to perform the latest Jadu patches
- Once a package is built, either download the archive or use Deployer to send it to any Jadu platform that is registered against an account
- Trigger the patch process on a server when a new package has been delivered

Deployer FAQs
What is Deployer?
Deployer is an application created to allow customers to apply Jadu software upgrades and website patches to their own environments independently.
Will I be able to use Deployer as soon as I’m patched?
Deployer requires some manual changes to your server before it can be used. When Jadu CMS 20.0.0 (or above) has been applied, please contact Jadu Support who can arrange for the required changes to be made and provide access to the Deployer application.
I already have access to Deployer, what will change?
If you already have access to Deployer, you will not notice any major changes due to Deployer becoming an out of the box integration. The key difference is that we’ve moved the Deployment History log within the Jadu Central Control Centre from Utilities > Deployments to a tab within the Deployer Automation page in Integrations Hub.
Are there any limitations on who can use Deployer?
All Jadu Central customers will see Deployer in their list of integrations. However, only customers whose servers use the Linux operating system, and do not have a proxy configured in front of the server, will be able to use Deployer at this time. Jadu is planning to add support for proxy configuration and Windows servers at a later date.
Deployer does not currently support Content Portal patches.